I’m a bond-servant of the Lord called to spread the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Ulrich Ohlson

I gave my life to Jesus 4 years ago. It was the best decision I could ever make! My heart is drawn towards evangelism because I want every single person to experience the love of Jesus.
I am challenged and encouraged by Ezekiel 3: 18-19.
Dominika le Roux

It is an incredible privilege to be part of the Gadara Ministries Team and experiencing the love that God has for His children. I am passionate about people being set free from strongholds, walking in freedom, through Jesus Christ, and persuing a life that reflects the life of Jesus. I am part of the spiritual warfare team within Gadara Ministries.
Suandri du Plessis

I am passionate about many things in life but most of all, I am passionate about Jesus. It was easy for me to join this ministry because the heart of the ministry is founded on Biblical principles and can be directly linked to the words of Jesus. (Matthew 28:19, Luke 10:19, Luke 4:18). The Bible says that the people of God perishes because of a lack of knowledge and I count myself blessed to be part of a ministry that aim to teach and grow people in the knowledge of God and His word to ensure that no one perishes.
My favourite Bible verse is Rev 19:11-16, go read it, you won’t be sorry.
Leilanie Janse van Rensburg

After giving my life to Jesus and going for deliverance in 2019, my whole life has been turned upside down and for the better. I am currently studying Theology to better understand God’s Word, intensify my personal relationship with Christ as well as to be able to provide Christian based Counseling on completion of my studies. My passion is to minister Jesus in a one on one setting. There is no greater glory to God than seeing Jesus at work in someones life.
It is my privilege to serve in the marketing department of Gadara Ministries.
My convicting Bible verse for this season has to be: Ephesians 5:10 and the two verses that encourage me are Isaiah 55:3 & Matthew 14:24-33
Leigh Hawthorn

I am a living testimony of deliverance. June 2021 was the month I experienced deliverance at Gadara Ministries. It was the month I realised that I wasn’t living a life that was reflecting Jesus Christ, which led me to salvation and baptism. When I experienced deliverance, I knew that God called me to be a vessel to set other captives free. Being part of the Gadara Ministries team has been life changing and an overwhelming experience. It brought me closer to Jesus Christ and helped me find my identity in Jesus Christ.
I am privileged to be part of the deliverance and evangelism team and assist in the merchandise department.
My favourite verse in the bible is Isaiah 41:10 and I am always encouraged by Mark 16:15.
Cassey Benito

I gave my life to Christ at the age of 10 and what a ride it has been. After many ups and downs, I now find myself in full-time ministry and I am a part-time student. I serve on the deliverance team and I could not be more grateful that I get to call this ministry home.
Aimee Raatz

I was born in Aranos, Namibia on 4 Feb 1984. I was fortunate to be brought up in a Christian home, both parents and two sisters serving the Lord. In May 2003 I got baptised and started serving in churches to learn more. In September 2019; I visited Carel for a deliverance session and my life was powerfully impacted. My heart is to support women that went through the deliverance process. We need to choose life every single day and sometimes we need a community of life-choosers around us to cheer us on! I have the privilege to be one of those cheerleaders