Attached, my testimony. So grateful for your ministry and ALL that Father is accomplishing through you as Jesus’ love is released and He comes to set the captives free.
May He bless you exceedingly abundantly, above all you can dare ask, think, or imagine.
– Mia –
All is quiet
Silence has come
Silence remains
My head is clear
No more accusing voices
No more doubt and fears
No more ‘not good enough’
Implications and impressions
The Savour has come
I have chosen to abide in this place
I have become the quiet one
All is silent before you
There is no more competition
No more conflicting thoughts
You are the I AM
In your presence I am silent
Like a weaned child with its mother
I have calmed and quieted my soul
My soul has stopped fretting
All is at rest
All is well with me
Like a nursing mother
You embrace and enfold me
You have calmed me
You ‘saved’ me
You have taken me
Into your courts
To stand among these
Who have gone before
To observe in silence
To stand within
The mandate
You have given me
To watch and learn
To grow in authority
To submit in humility
You are the I AM
Who causes me to arise
And take my place
When the man-handlers came
You were there
When doors were opened
By the hand of another
You were present
You never ever left me alone
You did not give me over
To the hand of the enemy
My life was not snuffed out
Though my soul became
Though silence was instilled
Through fear
Though man-voices demanded
My inner man knew you
Though I did not know
That our dialogue had started
To you I could ‘voice’
Thoughts, questions, observations
And present
My broken consciousness
The barometer of God
Gone off kilter
By the voices
The demands of the man-handlers
And the women-submitters
Mothering fears
Conceived in fear
From generation to generation
Patterns repeated
My own conception
In fear
Rejected by human-nurturer
In the womb
Mum could not offer
Trust and connectedness
She had none
Yet, I lived
My spirit man was born
Wanted by God
The Father
I came into the body
He prepared for me
I AM his
Much loved
Such a time as this
Bonding failures
Lack of bonding
Lack of learning to trust
On my mother’s breasts
Long term effects
Unknown then
Discovered in time
As I grew
Your kindness led me
To join
Grace to truth
When I left
The ‘womb of home’
As a babe
Lack of nurturing and bonding
Caused projectile vomiting
Of the milk of the breast
Was it her bitterness and fear
That I spewed out
Yet it engulfed my as yet unformed
Trust beacon
Crying alone
I was too much
For the one who bore
Yet, I became
Her right-hand helper
From toddling days
A little mother
Needed to mother
The one
Who bore
A phantom mum
The older sister
Nurturing siblings
The phantom
Could not live
Without me
Slavery chains
The burden-bearer
Was borne, – yet
Not yoked to the plan and heart of God
Time would teach me this
I AM, you are a good-good-Father
As the babe
Learning to trust
Not being completed
The babe is all at sea
Inward consciousness of You
Conflicted with the
Abba, what about this
Abba, what about that
My eyes should not have seen this
Awaking in the night
Before a thousand days had passed
Asking You
Is my Dad hurting my Mum
Abba, You were there
In the darkness of that moment
You held me close
You covered me
You heard my every thought
You understood my fear
You wept
You knew understanding would come
Another mother would arise
A bondage breaker
A Mama-of-nations
I didn’t know Abba
I was blind for I could not see
Broken compass
As Mum and Dad shaped me
The God-conscious
You planted
Inside my spirit
Not able to trust
Your inner voice
Increased fear
Doubt arose
Conflict flared within
Greater demonic
Dominion and minions
Invaded babe-space
You wept
Knowing you would
Gather me again
Knowing you would
Fix it again
Knowing yourself
I AM would arise
I AM would gather
I AM would heal
Blessed Fixer
You are busy fixing people
I love how you do that
Teach me more
Make me one too
Entwine the fixing-work
Of your hands with mine
Make me a fixer
By your Spirit
Cause your love
To flow richly
Keep fixing
Broken people
I love you
I love the work of your hands
That is who you are
Lack of boundaries
Great failure
Not empowering
The babe to say No
Not allowing
The babe to voice
Not making
Time to hear
Not making
An effort
To lay hold
Of the heart of the child
Great sadness
Treating all children
The same
Be seen
Be silent
Ask, How high
Rejected and alone
Unable to say
I don’t feel safe
Unable to trust
The God-voice
Asking, What is wrong with me
When all was really right
Papa God, forgive
Father, mother
The hand
That showed pornography
The one that touched
Me in my secret and holy place
Too young
Millstone portion
Father, forgive
His own wounds so grave
Fathering wounds
Wanting to model him
To gain his approval
Wrong model
Wrong seeking
Father, forgive them for they know not what they do
Not learning to say No
Not allowing
To state
To ask
To enquire
No boundaries
Confusion – obey God
Confusion – obey man
Which is it
Knowing what is wrong
Not permitted
To voice
To state
To say
God-consciousness says
O father and mother
Do you know
What you are doing
Raise up a child
In the way
She should go
Be silent
Allow all men
To do
What They Want
Bow down
Yet, the Bible you read to us
The church we go to
Says, What you do is wrong
What you say is contrary to the Word
You demand
What did you do
With my voice box
You broke it
You stomped on it
You threw away
The key
But my Savour
Found it
He re-build the box
Of my inner consciousness
He restored me
Without trust
I could not
Implement boundaries
Your acceptance of me
Based on immediate obedience
Unquestioning compliance
Only your boundaries mattered
The babe needed to uphold
Your fragile walls
Support your heavy weights
While having none to trust
None to uphold her
None to dry her tears
As she took herself to be alone
And you wondered why
Many of my siblings
Wet their beds
Did you see my yieldedness
Did you notice
My dance
Across the eggshells
Did you show
Your approval
Of my willingness
To follow
You were
‘Loud’ about many things
You were
‘Silent’ in approval
Father took me away from you
Though I fled in rebellion
His covenant promise
Was working
He freed me
Started working
On saving me
Preparing to heal
My broken heart
My fragmented
Conflicted soul
O God so many of my wounds
The cause of my own making
Rebellion against parental rules
Unable to see the good intentions
Amidst the sea of injustice
Wrong motives
Religious oppression
Unable to separate
Good from bad
The wound in my own soul
Caused me
To stumble
Unable to trust
Unable to say No
I said Yes
To one unsafe
Legally belonging
To another
I pierced my own soul
I could not stand
I did not know
A deficit of trust
A deficit of love
And affection
Caused me
To yield
To illegitimate means
A wilful choice
Ensnared by
My own
Choses brokenness
Rebellion reaps
Untwist yourself
Broken road
But now
Silence has come
The accuser and his minions
Legal right
Sticky notes
Under the feet of Jesus!
All is silent
All is quiet
Still waters
Green pastures
Trust focus
The first thing
A babe needs to learn
Father-provider is here
Older brother-protector is here
Comforter-mother is here
To nurture, enfold, feed, speak
Safe at your breast
Safe hearing your heart-beat
Thank you for teaching me
The basics of trust
Establish me
Root me
To trust you
In the silence
You are here
And I am safe
Thank you
Psa 131:2 AMPC Surely I have calmed and quieted my soul; like a weaned child with his mother, like a weaned child is my soul within me [ceased from fretting].
1 The 2:7-8 NKJV 7 But we were gentle among you, just as a nursing mother cherishes her own children. 8 So, affectionately longing for you, we were well pleased to impart to you not only the gospel of God, but also our own lives, because you had become dear to us.
Isa 30:15 KJV For thus saith the Lord GOD, the Holy One of Israel; In returning and rest shall ye be saved; in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength.